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The Block - It's more than a show pig
By: Temma Monroe, Summer 2022 Intern Hello everyone! My name is Temma Monroe, and I had the fantastic opportunity to be one of the 2022 Summer Interns. A little about me, I am from Elizabeth, Colorado, and I am going into my senior year at Iowa State University, where I am pursuing my bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Communications with a minor in Event Management. I grew up showing pigs and judging livestock at the county, state and national levels. My passion for the agriculture industry started at a very young age; from the time I picked up a pig stick and a judging steno, I knew I wanted to be an activist in the agriculture industry. Getting the opportunity to work with The Wendt Group this summer was a dream come true for me. This summer, I learned many valuable life lessons, made new connections and furthered my ability to be an advocate for this amazing industry. Looking back now, I can’t believe that my internship is already over. But I guess what they say is true, that time flies when you’re having fun! When I first started this internship, I was very excited, but also nervous. I would be working with some of the most influential and impactful people in this industry, and I wanted to soak up any knowledge they had to offer. This summer I had the opportunity to travel to several different shows and events, and that certainly was a highlight for me. However, during my time with this amazing team, I have learned a lot about myself and taken away valuable wisdom and insight about more than just my future career. I have learned that it’s okay to not know everything and you don’t need to be perfect all the time. Jackie Lackey shared a quote with us from Nelson Mandela, and I think it perfectly sums up my summer with TWG: “There is no failure; you either win or you learn.” If I could give any advice to my peers, it would be to not be afraid to try something new. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there because you never know what the outcome could be. Take me for example, I almost didn’t apply for this internship because I didn’t feel that I had the qualifications to make an impact for the company. Looking back now, I am so glad I didn’t listen to that doubt because the people I have met, the knowledge I have been blessed with and the confidence I have gained is truly remarkable. Yes, internships are about getting work experience and learning the ins and outs of a company, but I would challenge yourself to be more open minded to what growth you can experience as a person. Surround yourself with champions, be a leader and give 110% in anything you do because work ethic, a good attitude and open-mindedness will always take you further than those who don't have these traits. In just the two months I worked here, I can seriously say that I have grown as a person, co-worker and employee. I broadened my experience in social media management, graphic design, photography, event planning and even writing press releases. I would highly recommend this internship to anyone! This team and company are unmatched to anywhere else! Lastly, I would like to thank everyone at TWG for making this experience unforgettable. Thank you, Megan and Kevin Wendt, Kristi Stevens, Jackie Lackey, Amy Smith and Michelle Scholl for being amazing mentors and guiding me through my time here. I am sad that my time here as an intern is over, but I know this isn’t goodbye!
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The Wendt Group, Inc.
121 Jackson Street
P.O. BOX 133
Plain City, OH 43064
(614) 403-0726
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